Personal injury cases are stressful, everyone who has been in one of these situations knows this. You have the pressure of recalling every fact that you can remember, opposing attorneys will try to make you doubt your statement of the facts, and you are having to do this either while injured or recovering from the injury. It isn’t an easy time for either party involved.  Hopefully, these 7 tips will help relieve some of the stress while you are giving your testimony in your personal injury case.

  1. Be Prepared – Go through the situation and write down everything you can possibly remember. This is something we are more than happy to do with you as your attorneys. We can help ask the right questions that will help you remember all the important details of the event. For some, this might be a very emotional process, but we cannot emphasize enough how important this part is for your case.
  2. Always Speak the Truth – There is never a good reason to lie. You will not outsmart the judge; you will not outsmart the opposing attorney. Seriously – do NOT lie. We feel like this is something that shouldn’t have to be said, but there are people out there that try to rewrite the facts in their favor. Telling the truth, even the things that are either a little embarrassing or harmful to your story, will help build credibility in your testimony.
  3. Think Through Your Answers – Don’t be afraid to take a second to recount the facts. You don’t need to feel rushed to answer a question. Some opposing attorneys might try to bully you into giving quick answers, but remember, this is your story. You are in control of what you say and you will be held responsible for what you say. So, take a moment or two to gather your thoughts and speak the truth to the best of your ability.
  4. Stay Off Social Media – Don’t post about your accident on social media. Even if it was your friend’s accident, we don’t recommend talking it about through any social media. This could potentially give the opposition a chance to spin what is said and use it against your testimony.  We have seen this happen in many cases and it just isn’t worth talking about until after the case has been closed.
  5. Never Fear Revising your Answer– This part is important to note since, many people do make honest mistakes in recounting the events that have transpired. It’s a high stress situation and sometimes people don’t remember the facts right. If you are in a situation where you forgot a fact, or you misremembered something, don’t be afraid to set the record straight. Whether it is on the stand or in the deposition, do not be afraid to change your answer.
  6. Don’t Panic – If you find yourself being caught off guard in a cross-examination or the opposition is making you feel like you did something wrong, it important to stay calm and not panic. Stay confident your testimony and the facts that you have stated. If the opposing attorney points out a flaw in your testimony, then remember to be humble either admit your mistake (if you did indeed make one) or respectfully disagree and keep your cool.
  7. Try to Get Some Rest the Night Before – We know it’s a little ridiculous to suggest, but try your hardest to get some rest before you give your testimony. It’ll be easier to think and maintain composure. We know it’ll be hard, but at least make sure to try.

Being on the stand is never an easy process, but hopefully these tips will help you out. If you have been in accident and need representation or at least a simple consultation, then be sure to fill out the “Contact Us” form, call us at (209) 900-8200, or email Let us know if this article was helpful and good luck!